2012/9/4 Philip TAYLOR <p.tay...@rhul.ac.uk>:
> I am confused, Zdeněk :
>>> Zdenek Wagner wrote:
>> Not the font, only the language.
> but in your earlier message you wrote "IMHO it should be a property of a
> font, not of a typesetting system."
> So I am not at all clear what you are advocating : are you saying that
> it should be
> (a) a static property of any font to be used exclusively for French
> (b) a dynamic (user-selectable)  property of any font to be used
>     non-exclusively for French
> (c) a property of a "language", as defined by packages such as Babel
>     or Polyglossia, or
> (d) something else ?
Language feature of a font.

> I pass over the discussion on active characters (because those problems
> are well understood) and on LuaTeX (because I would like a solution
> that can be used with XeTeX).
As Ulrike wrote, \XeTeXinterchartoks is a nice feature. It can solve
various problems without having active characters.

> ** Phil.

Zdeněk Wagner

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