2012/9/4 Philip TAYLOR <p.tay...@rhul.ac.uk>:
> Zdenek Wagner wrote:
>> If the system offered inserting features dynamically without requiring
>> users to understand font internals, it would be even better.
> Hear hear.  As one who sits only on the edge of typography and
> ?fontography?, I find the present XeTeX interface almost unusable,
> requiring (as it currently does) a detailed knowledge of font
> internals if one is to derive maximum benefit from the
> available font features.  If the interface were more abstract,
> and accessible to those who understand what they want to achieve
> but not how any extant font might help them in achieving that
> goal, I believe that that would be an enormous step forwards.
> ** Phil.

Yes, this is the biggest problem. The experts say that the OpenType
specification itself is not clearly written. Thus different shapers
implement various features in a different way and thus it may happen
that a font works fine in one program but not in another. I know that
various features are available but I can only use some of them. I
cannot even find which features are available in the font. I can
display some information using otfinfo but I do not understand the

Zdeněk Wagner

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