Hello Hussein,

I used the version from the .dmg and can confirm it has the problem.

The reason why I tried the XSL utility is because I'm updating Conversa, a free 
UI for ditac, and run into a problem trying to use ditac from a notarized Mac 
app. Running from a script instead of double-clicking the icon works, but that 
somehow kills the idea of using a GUI instead of the command line. Additional 
testing reveal that the Conversa can read and write files on /Documents folder 
but only fails executing ditac there.

Rodolfo M. Raya       rmr...@maxprograms.com
Maxprograms      https://www.maxprograms.com 

-----Original Message-----
From: Hussein Shafie <huss...@xmlmind.com> 
Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2022 4:29 AM
To: rmr...@maxprograms.com
Cc: xfc-support@xmlmind.com
Subject: Re: [XFC] XSL Utility on macOS 12.5.1

On 9/7/22 18:54, rmr...@maxprograms.com wrote:
> Tried to use XSL Utility to generate output from DITA on macOS 12.5.1 
> using Intel and M1 Macs and in both cases, it failed to convert files 
> stored in /Documents folder or its children.

Yes. This is caused by security checks introduced as of macOS Catalina 10.15.

> It seems the embedded ditac is not entitled to process DITA files in 
> /Documents folder, but it works fine with files in my home folder.

This is a well-known problem. Anyway thank you for taking the time to 
report this issue.

Have you installed the .dmg distribution or just the .zip distribution?

- If you have installed the .zip distribution, please consider 
installing the .dmg distribution (numerically signed; contains some 
permission requests in its Info.plist) because we are not 100% sure that 
this distribution still has this problem.

- If you have installed the .dmg distribution, a workaround is described 


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