This works fine on a discrete Riva128 on Linux for me.  And 
the Linux and FreeBSD "nv" driver modules should be the same
(you should even be able to exchange modules between the
OSes).   Perhaps this is a FreeBSD problem in the core
server?  I'm not aware of any particular problems related
to the on-board riva128s, though I don't have one myself.

   I don't suppose you know how to use gdb so you can find
where it crashed at?

  Also you could try:

Option "NoDDC"

 in the Section "Device"  to have the core server 
not query the monitor info, in case
that's the problem.  If that works let us know.  Regardless,
it would still be great to get a gdb backtrace, in case that's
not too much trouble for you.


On Thu, 27 Mar 2003, Adri Frick wrote:

> This is only the 4th XFree86 install I've done, and I'm very green to
> this. I'm using FreeBSD 4.7, and building this out of the ports tree with
> no alterations.
> Pretty much, I run -configure, I check out the config file to see if
> anything looks erroneous, I start it up with -xf86config and get a core
> dump. I've tried both XFree86 4.2.0 and 4.3.0 on 3 or 4 different
> monitors. (I had a hard time believing I'd get this much trouble out of a
> Riva128). While each monitor did crash in a different place, it was
> usually within a line or two of each other.
> Per the serial-number lookup on the manufacturers site, everything seems
> detected correctly. Its an onboard video with a RIVA 128 chipset, as
> follows: Presto PII 440BX Micro ATX w/ Integrated Comp (Millennia
> MicroTower and ClientPro CP - PR440BX)
> The video "card" itself should come up as (and appears to):

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