I think I've figured this one out.  If you list the screen resolutions
(in the Screen section) with a higher resolution AFTER a lower
resolution, then the first resolution in the list will be the default
with the highest resolution in the list being the resolution of the
virtual display that always shows up under these circumstances whether
you asked for it or not.

On Sun, 2003-03-30 at 08:54, Einari Lappo wrote:
> Hi,
> I just got Mandrake 9.1 installed, but I'm having some troubles with X. I 
> have set my resolution to be 1280x1024, but I only get a virtual 1280x1024 
> screen while my actual screen resolution is only 640x480. When answering 
> "no" to xf86config's question "do you want to use virtual screen..." the 
> actual resolution is 800x600 (and the virtual 1280x1024). But I still can't 
> get it up to 1280x1024 or even 1024x768.
> Any suggestions...?
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