On Sat, 31 May 2003, Brian L Scipioni wrote:

>   I have an nvidia TI-4200 card running under RHLinux 8.0.  My monitor is an EPSON 
> TW100 projector.  I am using the new nvidia driver from nvidia.  Both the TI-4200 
> and the TW100 support the HDTV modes (1280x720 - 720p and 1920x1080 - 1080i/p).
>   I have these modes, as well as several of the standard VESA modes, listed in my 
> "Modes" section.  When I cycle through the modes, my 720p mode (I don't have the 
> 1080 listed) gets skipped.  I am assuming this is because the standard VESA 
> modelines are built into XFree86 but I have to define the correct modelines myself 
> for the HDTV modes.  Is this true?

   Yes.  If the mode isn't in the XFree86 internal mode pool, you have
to have the modeline listed explicitly in your Section "Monitor".

>   Now this is a really elementary question.  Do the modelines refer to graphics card 
> capabilities, monitor capabilities, or both?

   It describes the timings that the monitor uses for that mode.  It
needs to be within both the card's and the monitor's capabilities.

>   Does anyone know where I can get the correct modelines for my combination of card 
> and projector?  I can't find them anywhere.
>   Also, I know some of the information like sync polarities and my pixel clock for 
> my projector..Is there a simple recipe for computing my modelines if I have to do 
> them myself?  I couldn't find in-depth documentation to do this either.

    The "gtf" untility that shipped with XFree86 4.3 is pretty good at
generating modelines.  

    The specs on the web:


   give the clock rates.  I assume you are using the DVI input?
If so...

$ gtf 1280 720 60

  # 1280x720 @ 60.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 44.76 kHz; pclk: 74.48 MHz
  Modeline "1280x720_60.00"  74.48  1280 1336 1472 1664  720 721 724 746  -HSync +Vsync

 Will give you a 60 Hz 1280x720 mode that's well within your monitor
specs that the DVI connector should be able to generate.

  I suspect that the 1080i feature only works using the HDTV in
and not the DVI-I.  It probably doesn't display at that resolution,
but can sync to it and downscale.  I don't think the NVIDIA drivers
can output those kinds of TV signals yet anyhow, so hopefully you
are using DVI.


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