Julian Sikorski wrote:
Lawrence Gold wrote:

You might be able to simply substitute "-listxml %s | xml2info" for "-listinfo %s" in the above code.

It doesn't work. Sorry to bother you, but shadow_walker doesn't respond.

Attached is a patch that works. Note that you need to have xml2info somewhere in your path (e.g., /usr/local/bin). To apply it, cd into the gxmame directory and run

patch -p1 < /path/to/gxmame-xml-patch
diff -Nur gxmame-0.34b/src/mameio.c gxmame-0.34b-xml/src/mameio.c
--- gxmame-0.34b/src/mameio.c	2003-11-26 02:38:21.000000000 -0700
+++ gxmame-0.34b-xml/src/mameio.c	2004-07-17 12:41:19.661517600 -0600
@@ -217,10 +217,8 @@
 	/* Generate the list */
 	/* without including neither history nor mameinfo to have less to parse after*/
-	opt=g_strdup_printf("%s -listinfo -%s /dev/null -%s /dev/null 2>/dev/null",
-			current_exec->path,
-			available_options->mameinfo_file_option,
-			available_options->history_file_option);
+	opt=g_strdup_printf("%s -listxml | xml2info 2>/dev/null",
+			current_exec->path);
 	xmame_pipe = popen(opt, "r");

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