On Tue, 2008-11-11 at 01:54 +0100, Matija Šuklje wrote:
> Dne ponedeljek 10. novembra 2008 je Dan Nicholson napisal(a):
> > Try a newer version of xf86-input-evdev. I had the same issue and
> > ended up getting a patch committed to the kernel to have the inputs
> > swapped. I later found out that evdev-2.x did the right thing with a
> > vanilla kernel.
> I just got fed up and upgraded to xf86-input-evdev-2.0.7 and now:
> * tilting works as it should (probably due to the ZAxisMapping line)
> * Emulate3Button works (so I can at least have the same functionality as 
> having button 2)
> But still the ButtonMapping doesn't work (I think it was said 2.1 will 
> support 
> that), so I have two extra buttons that do nothing and have to emulate 
> the "middle" button.
> But so far, so good :]
> > Try stopping X and running evtest from the console. 
> > You should find the pushing the wheel to the right results in a
> > positive value for the HWHEEL button.
> I still can't find 'evtest', so I suppose it's not part of the evdev package.
On Gentoo, you'll find it in games-util/joystick.

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