On Mon, 15 Jul 2002, Lukas Molzberger wrote:

>> > Hello,
>> > in recent years many people were talking about Linux on the desktop.
>> > However, before there is any real chance that this could happen a few
>> > fundamential problems in XFree must be solved. These are:
>> >
>> > 1. XFree is far too slow.
>>     No it isn't.  Your apps are stupid or the drivers you are using
>> are under accelerated.
>I'm using Mozilla for example and I'm sure that its not that app that is slow 
>here since I've compared it with Mozilla on WinXP.

Comparing Mozilla running in X, and Mozilla running in Windows, 
and seeing that Mozilla running in X is much slower than it 
running in Windows, is totally not an indicator that X is slow.

Zero scientific data has been gathered, and an incorrect 
conclusion made.  Mozilla is faster in Windows, because the 
development of Mozilla in Windows has funded optimizing it to be 
faster.  Some optimization work of Mozilla in X has been done, 
but nowhere near as far as the amount of optimization done to the 
Windows version.  So comparing this is apples and oranges.  
Mozilla is slow in X because of Mozilla, not because of X.

>It may well be that the driver is under accelerated. I'm the
>i810 driver, but my old notebook with an smi chip was even
>slower. I know that the Nvidia driver is much faster but as far
>as I know the 2D part is still slower than under Windows even so
>it actually uses the same driver.

And none of those things have anything to do with X11 protocol 
getting in the way, or X being complicated.  If a video driver is 
slow, then it is slow.  X isn't slow, the video driver is.  
Solution is to make the driver faster, by improving it, or 
funding it, or conning someone else into doing either.

What makes you think rewriting a new GUI would not encounter 
these problems as well?  Someone has to write drivers, and if an 
X driver is slow, then likely new-GUI-of-the-week driver for that 
video card will likely be slow also.  In fact, I would wager that 
that new-GUI will have most of it's driver code directly lifted 
from X, since there isn't much point in writing such code 100% 
from scratch.

>> > 2. What is presented on the screen should always be consistent (i.e. no
>> > flickering).
>> > (3. It should be possible to configure XFree over a dialog that is
>> > intergrated in Gnome and Kde.)
>>    Talk to the Gnome and KDE people then.
>True, but they can only change the XFree config file. Therefore XFree needs to 
>be restarted to get the new configuration.

That isn't something that cannot be overcome by an X extension 
for many things.  What's more, is that systems like Microsoft 
Windows *still* force you to reboot after even the most seemingly 
simple change to configuration.  The joke "Windows has detected 
that you have moved your mouse.  Your system must now be 
restarted for the changes to take effect." comes to mind.

>> > I'm sorry to say that and I really don't want to offend any people. But
>> > I've hardly seen any progress regarding these problems during the last
>> > two years and I don't see any way how this could change in the next two
>> > years. XFree is evolving very slowly despite the fact that some of the
>> > best developers are working on it. I think the reason for that is that
>> > XFree is far more complex than necessary for its intended job.
>>     You say it's too complex and then you say we need more features?
>I mean it has too much unnecessary complexety. I mean if the message system is 
>only needed for the remote display feature then I'm really not sure if this 
>feature is really worth the hassle. I've worked on two projects that 
>contained an message system and in both cases it was a major problem that ate 
>up a large chunk of the development time and it made the projects slow even 
>if used on the same machine.

Some method of communication is necessary.  What do you propose
as an alternative solution?  Any solution should be network 
transparent.  We live in the world of networking now, and that is 
likely to get moreso in the future.  VNC and other solutions are 
an afterthought solution for adding networkability to GUI 
systems.  They work and have their good points, but they aren't a 
100% solution for networked GUI applications.  X11 is a much 
better solution.

>>    X is highly extensible by design.  It's far less complex than
>> alternative window systems like MS Windows or OS-X and is probably more
>> extensible.
>I actually think that extensibility is a very good idea, but it doesn't 
>prevent that API's age.

What part of the X11 API are you refering to which is now aged
and irrelevant.  Also, how does that particular item negatively
effect current development, current software, or present barriers
to new developers to enter into the foray of development?  I 
can't think of any part of X11 et al which stands in the way of 

Extensions which themselves have become irrelevant and obsolete, 
have been deprecated.  ie: XIE and PEX.  They are no longer built 
by default, however their existance on a system or not, does not 
make learning X more or less difficult.  Don't need XIE or PEX?  
Don't read their documentation, or use them.  If they're not 
used, then they pose no negative aspect on the system at all.

So I don't at all see the point of your "age" argument.  Should 
some new GUI be designed every 5 years and the existing GUI of 
the time thrown out, because it is now 5 years old?  That is what 
it sounds like you're advocating.  Doesn't make much sense if the 
existing system works well and is easily extensible to add new 
features as needed.

>> > 2d graphics drivers in users space while the 3d drivers are in kernel
>> > space?
>>    You are mistaken.  3D drivers are not in kernel space.  OpenGL is in
>> user space in every OS I can think of.
>I'm pretty sure there is 3D driver part in kernel space. And I think it would 
>be a good idea to also put the 2D part there. For example to have access to 
>the interrupts.

Again, you're "pretty sure" but wrong.  The 3D driver code and 
the 2D driver code are in userland.  There is the DRI, of 
which the kernel portion is the DRM.  The DRM allows userland 
video driver code to do DMA to the video hardware.

ALL of the driver code itself is in userland.  No, it is not a 
good idea to put it in the kernel.  And as stated in a previous 
message, the Radeon driver is one which takes advantage of the 
DRM interface for both 2D and 3D when DRI is enabled.

Mike A. Harris                  Shipping/mailing address:
OS Systems Engineer             190 Pittsburgh Ave., Sault Ste. Marie,
XFree86 maintainer              Ontario, Canada, P6C 5B3
Red Hat Inc.
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