On Fri, 9 Nov 2001 11:20:23 +0100
Lars Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear XUpdate and  XSmiles people,
> We have been experimenting with XUpdate in what we believe is a novel way, and
> one which we think would make XUpdate attractive to a much wider audience.
> We use it at the client end to modify a Browser's DOM with updates "pushed" from
> a data source. In our experiments, the data we update is a real time graph in
> SVG format. We have used the  XSmiles and Internet Explorer browsers. (In both
> cases using the Csiro SVG rendering engine, JMS to deliver the updates, and
> Lexus to apply them).

Please let us know whether we can add your product to the list of
projects and products using XUpdate / Lexus. The more interested
people see that the spec is of use the more people will support this
project actively.

> We work in an industry where publish subscribe of real time information is very
> important (price information from exchanges). There are a number of commercial
> products in the market place that supply publish subscribe infrastructure. We
> are convinced there is a latent demand for this sort of capability in other
> industries as well as our own. Our experiments combining Csiro, Lexus, XUpdate,
> SVG, XSmiles and a publish subscribe protocol handler using JMS have
> demonstrated that this latent demand could be satisfied more openly.
> We address this note to both the XUpdate and XSmiles teams first to thank you
> for the excellent technology that you have given us, and second to highlight the
> potential synergy of the combination.

Many thanks.
> We have a few issues and questions:
> 1. We would like to see the idea of using XUpdate in conjunction with a
> publish/subscribe browser environment promoted more widely. Do you think this is
> feasible, and can you offer any suggestions about how best to achieve this.

Yes, we need much more marketing for XUpdate and yes, I see many possible
applications using XUpdate. How does the updates look like? Maybe your
updates will become a little bit too verbose if you have to modify many

> 2. As far as we can see, XUpdate is not yet part of the W3C family. This may be
> because it has been perceived as an esoteric issue for XML databases only.

No, you're wrong here. XUpdate is neither designed for databases nor is
the use confined for XML databases. We had the need of a tool to modify
XML documents without programming - no matter where the documents come
from. But you're right XUpdate perfectly fits here because of the lack
of an existing specification. (XQuery may solve this problem)

> Do you
> think that exposing it as a client side technology would add enough interest to
> the extent that it could be submitted to W3C. Certainly we have a concern that
> it could become a defunct technology if it stays outside W3C, and this concern
> was re-inforced by the recent request for developers sent out on the XUpdate
> mailing list.

I'm not sure whether W3C is the right place for such a spec right now?!

Regarding your fears: Lexus is as stable as possible. The whole spec
(and more) is implemented. I sent this request for developers because
there are some proposals for extensions to XUpdate which I can't handle

> 3. The publish subscribe protocol will need to be standardised. It clearly
> differs from http: in that updates arrive after the initial page value. Neither
> is it like the current streaming media protocols which handle real time data of
> a quite different sort. There has been much talk of "push" technology, and yet
> as far as I know, no such protocol has yet emerged. Apart from the commercial
> products mentioned above, so called "push" technology has really been based on
> hidden "pull". Perhaps the Xsmiles team could comment on the feasability of
> introducing such a new protocol (pshttp:?).
> Your comments and suggestions about how to move forward would be welcome.
Lars Martin                             mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
SMB GmbH                                        http://www.smb-tec.com

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