Im fairly new to XUpdate and Ive been playing with some examples and running them through the XUpdate processor to see the results.

I have an example, which appends an item of data and assigns it a zero based id, as follows and am wondering why it dosent work:


<xu:modifications version="1.0" xmlns:xu="http://www.xmldb.org/xupdate";>
 <xu:variable name="id" select="count(/data/item)"/>

 <xu:append select="/data">
   <xu:element name="item">
     <xu:attribute name="id">
       <xu:value-of select="$id"/>


 <item id="0"/>

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Exception: XPath leads not to a Node or NodeList !
at org.xmldb.xupdate.lexus.commands.CommandObject.selectNodes(CommandObject.java:137)
at org.xmldb.xupdate.lexus.commands.VariableCommand.execute(VariableCommand.java:97)
at org.xmldb.xupdate.lexus.XUpdateQueryImpl.execute(XUpdateQueryImpl.java:188)

It gives a similar message if I dont use a variable and go:

     <xu:attribute name="id">
       <xu:value-of select="count(/data/item)"/>

It seems that the value of a vairable can only be a node or a node list and not a number or other primitive value. Is this correct acording to the spec or is a limitation of the implementation.

Thanks in advance, From Richard. -- ______________________________________________________________________ Lars Martin mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] SMB GmbH http://www.smb-tec.com

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