Edward O'Callaghan wrote:
> I think what Martin is trying to make clear here Alan, is that there
> is, too much corporate mumbo jumbo here. Its rather synthetic not to
> have a social aspect to a community. People should be *allowed* to be
> off topic as well sometimes, in the IRC people can constantly flamed
> if they don't ask a question in the right way and such or are off
> topic. This is not a good environment for the workplace and open
> source projects *are* just like a workplace.

I'm not sure what corporate mumbo jumbo you're referring too, and don't
plan to stop occasional socializing, but also can't force it to happen
when it isn't coming organically.   If you look at the message you
replied to, my comment was to stop the name calling ("Murderock") and
attacking other projects ("rather useless stuff like the IPS") - those
damage the social spirit you're suggesting we promote.   (See the oft
repeated talk about "Poisonous People" in open source projects that's
been given at many venues and has a couple recordings available online.)

Personally, I tend to have more off-topic/social conversations in IRC
than e-mail lists, but that's just my personal style, not something I'm
going to push on others.

> When people such as myself file large number of bug reports and
> testing on each release of snv for the 2008.11 distro release making
> it as stable and usable as say Ubuntu. I would at least like to be in
> the release notes..
> I don't see Moinak Ghosh in the last release notes even though,
> without him you would not even have a LiveCD and he was even working
> for Sun at the time !

The contents of the release notes and how to recognize contributors to the
Indiana distro as a whole are good points to bring up on indiana-discuss
or in the upcoming town hall - no one here has control over them.

        -Alan Coopersmith-           alan.coopersmith at sun.com
         Sun Microsystems, Inc. - X Window System Engineering

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