Martin Bochnig wrote:
>> Edward O'Callaghan wrote:
>>> I think what Martin is trying to make clear here Alan, is that there
>>> is, too much corporate mumbo jumbo here. Its rather synthetic not to
>>> have a social aspect to a community. People should be *allowed* to be
>>> off topic as well sometimes, in the IRC people can constantly flamed
>>> if they don't ask a question in the right way and such or are off
>>> topic. This is not a good environment for the workplace and open
>>> source projects *are* just like a workplace.
>> I'm not sure what corporate mumbo jumbo you're referring too, and don't
>> plan to stop occasional socializing, but also can't force it to happen
>> when it isn't coming organically.   If you look at the message you
>> replied to, my comment was to stop the name calling ("Murderock") and
> This was an unintended typo.
> You know about the problem with my right eye, don't you? I apologize for this 
> error.

Okay, it just looked like more than a typo, given it looked much more like
the English word "Murder" than his given name of Murdock.

>> damage the social spirit you're suggesting we promote.   (See the oft
>> repeated talk about "Poisonous People" in open source projects that's
>> been given at many venues and has a couple recordings available online.)
> You can call me "Poisonous" ??

That's the title of the talk - I didn't choose the name, but it describes
people who attack others as you are doing with IPS and other messages here.

>> The contents of the release notes and how to recognize contributors to the
>> Indiana distro as a whole are good points to bring up on indiana-discuss
>> or in the upcoming town hall - no one here has control over them.
> "No one has control over them"? This sounds like a rudderless project. 

You missed the critical word "here" - in other words, the people who decide
on the content of the Indiana release notes are not subscribed to xwin-discuss,
but to the indiana-discuss mailing list.

        -Alan Coopersmith-           alan.coopersmith at
         Sun Microsystems, Inc. - X Window System Engineering

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