On 10/11/05, John Sullivan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> joshua schachter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I'm not sure that's counter to my desired del.icio.us experience. I have a 
> hard
> time coming up with a reason to exclude them or frown on them.

Where there is reason is when they are using a normal tag for posting.
 IE: there was a chat bot that was posting the php tag which
completely ruins the browsing experience from my perspective.

Another issue that you might face is one of multiple bots posting for
specific entry into the popular category.  That is what I fear and why
I would stop browsing del.icio.us.  Although I am sure the popular
showings are manipulated by some, it isn't as wide spread as it could
be without a reasonable strategy to combat the problem.

All cool interenet tech is eventually turned to evil when there isn't
strategies in place.  I understand the nofollow tag is in place, but
not all spamming is about google pr.

Just some thoughts...

John Cox
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