Andrew Cross schrieb:
> As far as I'm aware, Delicious's plus operator doesn't simply add tag
> groups of URLs together, it produces the union of the tag identified
> groups.

Yes. It displays only those entries, which are present in both "sets",
so to speak; it'll display only those entries, which have been assigned
the tags.

Ex.: I've got a tag "Linux" and
a tag "howto" <>. If I "plus them
together", only those bookmarks are shown, which both the tags
"Linux" *AND* "howto" ->

I created a Yahoo! Pipe which allows to do just that. See
You can of course also get a RSS feed :)

Hm... It just occurs to me, that this pipe is pretty much
useless, as already provides a feed for the
combined tags. For example for "all" the "linux+howto"
bookmarks at it would
be <>.

> Are there any plans to add services which return the popular union of
> more than one tag?

What do you mean with "popular union"? Would you like to get
a feed for "linux+howto" from the "Popular items tagged"?
Kinda those popular linux tags,
which also are shown in the popular howto list at 

If so, that's yet another task for Pipes ;)

Alexander Skwar
Nothing in progression can rest on its original plan.  We may as well think of
rocking a grown man in the cradle of an infant.  -- Edmund Burke

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