Alexander Skwar wrote:
> Does somebody know of a "link check service" for
> I'd like to have it check all of my bookmarks, and if the bookmark is
> not available anymore, it should either remove it directly from my
> collection, or, maybe even better, it should tag it with some tag
> (like "unavailable" or whatever). Or if the target is moved, it should
> get some other tag and maybe the new URL as a "note".    
> Does something like this exist?

There is a plugin for Firefox (LinkChecker, appropriately enough), which
works well if you can get all the bookmarks you want to check on one
page.  You have to manually fix the entry, but it's a
cross-platform solution, and not limited to working only with
bookmarking services.

Tim Larson
InterCall, a subsidiary of West Corporation
Eschew obfuscation!

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