Rocco Caputo wrote:
> On May 8, 2007, at 14:49, Larson, Timothy E. wrote:
>> There is a plugin for Firefox (LinkChecker, appropriately enough),
>> which works well if you can get all the bookmarks you want to check
>> one page. You have to manually fix the entry, but it's a
>> cross-platform solution, and not limited to working only with
>> bookmarking services.
> All your bookmarks are on one page. There's a bookmarks.html file
> somewhere in your Firefox profile directory. Sounds like this has the
> potential to tie up your browser for a while. :)  

Delicious only displays 25/50/whatever bookmarks per page.  

I suppose it would take awhile (I assume it makes HEAD requests to all
the URLs it finds on the page) but any tool is going to take awhile.
Just open another browser tab/window/instance if you need to keep

Using this plugin does have a drawback on Delicious pages, because it
checks all navigation links as well as the bookmarks, though it seems
smart enough to ignore things marked logout/delete/etc.


Tim Larson
InterCall, a subsidiary of West Corporation
Eschew obfuscation!

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