Hi all,

while implementing a 0MQ architecture which needs to dynamically create and
destroy sockets during operation I ran into the current behaviour of
zmq_close() being semantically different from the standard close() system

Consider a scenario where we wish to send a bunch of messages, then close
the socket:

 zmq_send (s, ...)
 zmq_send (s, ...)
 zmq_send (s, ...)
 zmq_close (s)

The current behaviour is that zmq_close() will discard any messages which
have been queued ("sent") with zmq_send() but have not yet been pushed out
to the network. Contrast this with the behaviour of the close() system call
on a standard socket where the call means "please make this socket go away,
but finish sending any outstanding data on it asynchronously if you

In my opinion the proper solution is to use the same semantics as the
close() system call, in other words, zmq_close() shall invalidate the
socket from the caller's point of view so no further operations may be
performed on it, but 0MQ shall send any outstanding messages in the
background *as long as a endpoint for those messages still exists* before
destroying the socket "for real".

This would mean a second change to the API which would make zmq_term() a
blocking call, since it would need to wait until all outstanding messages
are sent. The analogous functionality for the close() system call is
handled by the OS kernel -- obviously if the OS shuts down then data will
be lost.

The downside is that zmq_term() could freeze for an arbitrary amount of
time if the remote end is "stuck". For applications where this is
undesirable it would mean adding a "KILL" flag or separate zmq_term_kill()
function which means "we don't care, really go away now".

Please let me know your opinions on this change; ultimately I think it's
the right way to go especially if OS integration of 0MQ sockets is (a long
way) down the road.


[1] This behaviour can be changed using the SO_LINGER option, we'd probably
want to implement a similar option for 0MQ sockets.
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