Am 30.03.2011 17:55, schrieb Tobias Schlitt:
The idea of your fix looks generally correct to me. However, we cannot
simply change the content of the request body, since it would break BC.
Instead we basically have 2 choices for implementing handling of large

1. Adding an option to switch on stream based body handling.
2. Abstracting body extraction into a dedicated object to allow
dependency injection for handling of large bodies.

I'm not yet sure, which way to go. We should discuss this on the list.

In addition, some of your code does not comply to our coding guidelines
[1]. Would you mind updating it?



Sorry for answering late.
I don't mind to update the code to comply to your coding guid. For now I'm not exaclty sure what has to be changed and in which way.

As I read on the mailing list you prefere option 1 (Adding an option to switch on stream based body handling.).
Is it still necessary to update my code?
I also wouldn't mind to try this kind of fix. I just wasn't sure if there are any other lines of code that have to be changed.
Also I'm not sure there to add the option and how to read it.

I think setting the option would be like this:
$options                           = new ezcWebdavServerOptions();
$options->streamBody   = true;

$server->options             = $options;

Would be reading like this?
else ...

As I see in Webdav/options/server.php the class ezcWebdavServerOptions should be updated for this

line 53
+ $this->properties['streamBody'] = false;

line 79 - 84
+ case 'streamBody':
+   if ( !is_bool( $value ) )
+   {
+     throw new ezcBaseValueException( $name, $value, 'bool' );
+   }
+   break;

I'll try it that way and I hope it will suit your coding standards.

Regards Chriss

@Jérôme: Thanks for opening the issue for me
The Wesite points to the wrong issue tracker ( I had no problems on the right issue tracker ( Anyway thanks a lot for pointing me right.

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