
Am Freitag, 20. April 2012, 11:25:20 schrieb Tobias Schlitt:
> Hi,

> sadly, I did not find time to look into all this stuff. This also seems
> the reason that Zeta is dying: Time lack.
> I'm a bit sad, that Zeta is being closed down, but I think that it's the
> logical way to go.
> Since I won't find any time to take care for it in the near future, I
> cannot go any other way than vote

Nice to see some reactions of the core developers. Especially thanks to Toby 
because of the very clear words.

It's really sad to see that the Zeta Components did not reached it's goals 
here at Apache. It's sad to see that the core committers are not able to 
maintain the project. It's sad to see no more development. (It's sad that I 
wasn't able to support the Components more.) Probably github is a better 
place. But I do not expect more life there.

What I'm missing:

- What's the future of the Components? Is it just maintenance mode?

- What's the legal/license situation regarding the history/eZ Systems?

- What's eZ's position? (I guess they are most interested in a clear situation
  of the project.)

Would it be helpful to have an IRC meeting to discuss the future? (Or is it to 
political to speak clear words where everything is perhaps somehow logged?)


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