On Sep 25, 2006, at 1:15 PM, Mike Kupfer wrote:

"Chad" == Chad Leigh <-- Shire.Net LLC" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> writes:

Chad> On Sep 25, 2006, at 12:18 PM, eric kustarz wrote:

You can also grab a snoop trace to see what packets are not being
responded too?

Chad> If I can catch it happening. Most of the time I am not around and
Chad> I just see it in the logs.

I've attached a hack script that runs snoop in the background and
rotates the capture files.  If you start it as (for example)

    bgsnoop <client> <server>

it will save the last 6 hours of capture files between the two hosts.
If you notice a problem in the logs, you can find the corresponding
capture file and extract from it what you need.

Hi Mike

Thanks.  I set this up like so

./bgsnoop.sh -d e1000g0 freebsd-internal

since my nfs is not going out the "default" interface. Soon thereafter I caught the problem. In looking at the snoop.trace file I am not sure what to look for. There seems to be no packet headers or time stamps or anything -- just a lot of binary data. What am I looking for?



Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at shire.n

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