ZFS will currently panic on a write failure to a non replicated pool.
In the case below the Intent Log (though it could have been any module)
could not write an intent log block. Here's a previous response from Eric
Schrock explaining how ZFS intends to handle this:


Yes, there are three incremental fixes that we plan in this area:

6417772 need nicer message on write failure

        This just cleans up the failure mode so that we get a nice
        FMA failure message and can distinguish this from a random
        failed assert.

6417779 ZFS: I/O failure (write on ...) -- need to reallocate writes

        In a multi-vdev pool, this would take a failed write and attempt
        to do the write on another toplevel vdev.  This would all but
        elminate the problem for multi-vdev pools.

6322646 ZFS should gracefully handle all devices failing (when writing)

        This is the "real" fix.  Unfortunately, it's also really hard.
        Even if we manage to abort the current transaction group,
        dealing with the semantics of a filesystem which has lost an
        arbitrary amount of change and notifying the user in a
        meaningful way is difficult at best.

Hope that helps.

- Eric

Frank Leers wrote On 10/03/06 15:10,:
Could someone offer insight into this panic, please?

panic string:   ZFS: I/O failure (write on <unknown> off 0: zio
0 [L0 ZIL intent log] 1000L/1000P DVA[0]=<1:249b68000:1000> zilog uncompre
ssed BE contiguous birth=318892 fill=0 cksum=3b8f19730caa4327:9e102
==== panic kernel thread: 0x2a1015d7cc0  PID: 0  on CPU: 530 ====
cmd: sched
t_procp: 0x187c780(proc_sched)
  p_as: 0x187e4d0(kas)
  zone: global
t_stk: 0x2a1015d7ad0  sp: 0x18aa901  t_stkbase: 0x2a1015d2000
t_pri: 99(SYS)  pctcpu: 0.000000
t_lwp: 0x0psrset: 0 last CPU: 530 idle: 0 ticks (0 seconds)
start: Wed Sep 20 18:17:22 2006
age: 1788 seconds (29 minutes 48 seconds)
tstate: TS_ONPROC - thread is being run on a processor
tflg:   T_TALLOCSTK - thread structure allocated from stk
        T_PANIC - thread initiated a system panic
tpflg:  none set
tsched: TS_LOAD - thread is in memory
        TS_DONT_SWAP - thread/LWP should not be swapped
        TS_SIGNALLED - thread was awakened by cv_signal()
pflag:  SSYS - system resident process

pc:      0x105f7f8      unix:panicsys+0x48:   call      unix:setjmp
startpc: 0x119fa64      genunix:taskq_thread+0x0:   save        %sp, -0xd0, %sp

unix:panicsys+0x48(0x7b6e53a0, 0x2a1015d77c8, 0x18ab2d0, 0x1, , , 0x4480001601, , , , , , , , 0x7b6e53a0, 0x2a1015d77c8)
unix:vpanic_common+0x78(0x7b6e53a0, 0x2a1015d77c8, 0x7b6e3bf8, 0x7080bc30, 0x708
0bc70, 0x7080b840)
unix:panic+0x1c(0x7b6e53a0, 0x7080bbf0, 0x7080bbc0, 0x7b6e4428, 0x0, 0x6000c5fbc
00, , 0x5)
zfs:zio_next_stage(0x6000c5fbc00) - frame recycled
zfs:zio_vdev_io_assess+0x178(0x6000c5fbc00, 0x6000c586da0, 0x7b6c79f0)
genunix:taskq_thread+0x1a4(0x6000bc5ea38, 0x0)

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