> $600+ for a 32 GB device isn't exactly competitive,
> though the low-power and random access are
> attractive.
> Look at previous SSD offerings.  $600 is a steal. ;)

This isn't a performance-oriented SSD, since it's using Flash RAM (limited 
lifetime, slow writes). It's really meant as a hard drive replacement. So 
comparing it against a typical commercial SSD (multi-ported, 200K+ IOPs) 
doesn't quite make sense....

(Note that the 7000 IOPS quoted implies that random access is much slower than 
the sequential access speed; you won't see anywhere near 30 MB/sec.)

Incidentally, Ritek's flash disk may be even cheaper; their 16 GB version is 
$169, according to their press release. I didn't see pricing for the 32 GB. 
(Though the press release didn't make it entirely clear whether that actually 
included the memory....)

> SSD is not intended for the consumer space, which is sad, as I'd love to run 
> that
> sort of thing at home.  ;)

But Flash memory is.  ;-)

> People who run larger DBs are willing to shell out several grand for what 
> seems like
> a small amount of disk space just to tweak DB performance.

SSD is cheaper than buying a fast enough set of disk arrays to get the same 
performance.  ;-)

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