On Feb 2, 2007, at 15:35, Nicolas Williams wrote:

Unlike traditional journalling replication, a continuous ZFS send/recv
scheme could deal with resource constraints by taking a snapshot and
throttling replication until resources become available again.
Replication throttling would mean losing some transaction history, but
since we don't expose that right now, nothing would be lost.

Scoreboarding (what SNDR does) should perform better in general, but in the case of COW filesystems and databases ISTM that it should be a wash
unless it's properly integrated with the COW system, and that's what
makes me think scoreboarding and journalling approach each other at the
limit when integrated with ZFS.

hmm .. a COW scoreboard .. visions of Clustra with the notion of "each node is an atomic failure unit" spring to mind .. of course in this light, there's not much of a difference between just replication and global synchronization ..

very interesting ..

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