> Given your question are you about to come back with a
> case where you are not 
> seeing this?

As a follow-up, I tested this on UFS and ZFS. UFS does very poorly: the I/O 
rate drops off quickly when you add processes while reading the same blocks 
from the same file at the same time. I don't know why this is, and it would be 
helpful if someone explained it to me.

ZFS did a lot better. There did not appear to be any drop-off after the first 
process. There was a drop in I/O rate as I kept adding processes, but in that 
case the CPU was at 100%. I haven't had a chance to test this on a bigger box, 
but I suspect ZFS is able to keep the sequential read going at full speed (at 
least if the blocks happen to be written sequentially).

I did these tests with each process being a "dd if=bigfile of=/dev/null" 
started at the same time, and I measured I/O rate with "zpool iostat mypool 2" 
and "iostat -Md 2".
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