Hello Eric,

Thursday, March 22, 2007, 1:13:19 AM, you wrote:

ES> On Thu, Mar 22, 2007 at 01:03:48AM +0100, Robert Milkowski wrote:
>>   What if I have a failing drive (still works but I want it to be
>>   replaced) and I have a replacement drive on a shelf. All I want is
>>   to remove failing drive, insert new one and resilver. I do not want
>>   a hot spare to automatically kick in.

ES> Kicking in a hot spare is a harmless activity (the end result will be
ES> the same), why would you want to avoid this?

With lot of storage I like to keep as much the same config as I can
between the same boxes. So if I have a replacement drive I would
rather use it instead of hot spare so I do not have to resilver again.
I know this is mostly esthetics but helps in managing storage.

ES> Do you have an idea of how
ES> you would want to control this behavior?

Maybe simple method of "freezing" hot spares (not by removing them)
or maybe the automated method should have some reasonable delay -
when it sees disk is gone it will wait N seconds before hot spare
kicks in or if new drive is present at the same physical location then
it would use it rather then a hot spare (or perhaps admin can issue
zpool replace manually before hot spare kicks in).

I'm not sure if it won't complicate things too much but still I like
to keep similar configs.

Or maybe an ability to stop resilvering of hot spare and start
resilver of a new drive would be sufficient or it should even be
automatic (stop resilvering of hot spare, but still keep all data
already resilvered, start resilver new disk with data which has not
yet been resilvered on hot spare, then resilver data which was
resilverd as hot spare, then release a hot spare). All would be
working only if some kind of hotspare-back property would be set.

It's a matter of what people prefer - a moving hot spare or rather if
disk is replaced the hot spare goes back to a hot spare list and is
released (after disk reilvered). It probably doesn't matter that much
on x4500 but it can matter more on other arrays.

Best regards,
 Robert                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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