On Mon, Apr 02, 2007 at 12:37:24AM -0700, homerun wrote:
> Is it possible to convert live 3 disks zpool from raidz to raidz2
> And is it possible to add 1 new disk to raidz configuration without
> backups and recreating zpool from scratch.

The reason that's not possible is because RAID-Z uses a variable stripe
width. This solves some problems (notably the RAID-5 write hole [1]), but
it means that a given 'stripe' over N disks in a raidz1 configuration may
contains as many as floor(N/2) parity blocks -- clearly a single additional
disk wouldn't be sufficient to grow the stripe properly.

It would be possible to have a different type of RAID-Z where stripes were
variable-width to avoid the RAID-5 write hole, but the remainder of the
stripe was left unused. This would allow users to add an additional parity
disk (or several if we ever implement further redundancy) to an existing
configuration, BUT would potentially make much less efficient use of storage. 


[1] http://blogs.sun.com/bonwick/entry/raid_z

Adam Leventhal, Solaris Kernel Development       http://blogs.sun.com/ahl
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