> A data structure view of ZFS is now available:
> http://www.opensolaris.org/os/community/zfs/structures/
> We've only got one picture up right now (though its a juicy one!),  
> but let us know what you're interested in seeing, and
> we'll try to make that happen.

Well it's a nice picture, thanks! (could you also make a .svg version 

As a zfs-code-illiterate interested bystander, it would be nice if the various 
objects were annotated with short descriptions of their intent. The same goes 
for the pointers to objects in other layers, what is the pointer keeping track 
of, what kind of information passes between the layers.

I'd also love to see what happens on the block level when you take a snapshot. 
What objects end up pointing to the same things etc.

And if you could make it into a 3d zooming movie with change-by-change 
animations that'd be awesome! ;-)

But this is certainly a lot easier to grok than the linear descriptions in the 
on-disk format guide. Thanks!

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