Joerg Moellenkamp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
> in a different benchmark run on the same system, the gfind took 15 
> minutes whereas the standarf find took 18 minutes. With find and 
> noatime=off the benchmark took 14 minutes. But even this is slow 
> compared to 2-3 minutes of the xfs system.

GNU find is buggy by default as it by default asumes that the linkcount of a 
directory is 2+number-of-subdirs which is not granted by POSIX.

GNU find will definitively fail on "pcfs" and on "hsfs" that has not been 
created by a recent mkisofs version (still missing on Solaris).

For some "UNIX filesystems" you may asume the behavior expected by GNU tar.
For NFS, you cannot make any asumption......

GNU tar does not test and this is buggy.


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