until I remembered that you said that you were speaking for others as well and 
decided that I'd like to speak to them too.

As I said in a different thread, I really do try to respond to people in the 
manner that they deserve (and believe that in most cases here I have done so):  
even though I recognize that this may be off-putting it's sometimes the only 
way to break through bias and complacency, and since I came to zfs-discuss in 
search of technical interaction rather than a warm, fuzzy feeling of belonging 
I don't see too much of a down-side (unless I've managed to scare off anyone 
who might otherwise have contributed some technical insight, which would be 

But I do apologize if I've managed to offend any less-rabid bystanders (I was 
beginning to wonder whether there *were* any less-rabid bystanders) in the 
process, since that was not my intent.

- bill
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