On Mar 14, 2008, at 3:28 PM, Bill Shannon wrote:
> What's the best way to backup a zfs filesystem to tape, where the size
> of the filesystem is larger than what can fit on a single tape?
> ufsdump handles this quite nicely.  Is there a similar backup program
> for zfs?  Or a general tape management program that can take data from
> a stream and split it across tapes reliably with appropriate headers
> to ease tape management and restore?

for now you could send snapshots to files and a file hierarchy on a  
SAM-QFS archive .. then you've got all the feature functionality there  
to be able to proactively back up the snapshots and possibly segment  
them if they're big enough (non-shared-qfs - might make sense if  
you've got multiple drives you want to take advantage of) .. I believe  
the goal is to provide this sort of functionality through a DMAPI HSM  
with ADM at some point in the near future:

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