I'm trying to figure out how to restore a filesystem using zfs recv.
Obviously there's some important concept I don't understand.  I'm
using my zfsdump script to create the dumps that I'm going to restore.
Here's what I tried:

Save a "level 0" dump in d.0:

datsun# zfsdump 0 home/tckuser > d.0
zfs send -R -v -i home/[EMAIL PROTECTED] home/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Now a "level 9" dump in d.9:

datsun# zfsdump 9 home/tckuser > d.9
zfs send -R -v -i home/[EMAIL PROTECTED] home/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Try to restore the level 0 in a completely new and empty filesystem
created with zpool:

datsun# mkfile -n 64m /cache/tmp/zfs
datsun# zpool create test /cache/tmp/zfs
datsun# zfs recv test < d.0
cannot receive: must use -d to receive replication (send -R) stream

I guess I should special-case a "level 0" dump so it doesn't use -R?
I figured -R relative to the origin would have the same effect.

Ok, it says use -d, I'll use -d:

datsun# zfs recv -d test < d.0
cannot open 'test/tckuser': dataset does not exist

Hmmm, ok, I guess I have to create it myself, despite what the man
page says:

datsun# zfs create test/tckuser
cannot create 'test/tckuser': dataset already exists

Um, ok, that didn't work.  Maybe it really did create it the first
time but just didn't restore into it?

datsun# zfs recv -d test < d.0
cannot receive new filesystem stream: destination 'test/tckuser' exists
must specify -F to overwrite it


datsun# zfs recv -F -d test < d.0
cannot receive new filesystem stream: destination has snapshots (eg. 
must destroy them to overwrite it


What did I do wrong?
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