Hi Tim,

> Finally getting around to answering Nil's mail properly - only a month
> late!

Not a problem.

> Okay, after careful consideration, I don't think I'm going to add this

that's fine for me, but ...

> but in cases where you're powering down a laptop overnight,
> you don't want to just take a load of snapshots after you power on for
> every missed cron job, you just want one

This is precisely what the at solution is doing: As there is only one
at job for each zfs snapshot SMF at any one time, only one snapshot
is taken for every SMF when the machine powers up - which IS what
you want : When you say daily, you want it taken daily (if possible).

Briefly: Each at job schedules the next one.

> The other thing that worries me about this, is that it exposes the user
> to too much implementation detail: users would need to know about at(1)
> timespecs

They would not necessarily need to. We could hide that implementation
detail. If this was the only thing you disliked, i'd be happy to develop a
simpler specification.

But please do consider that some people (admins !) DO want to specify these
things, I believe you should also keep an eye on datacentre administrators, not
just "home users".

> Why's that good ? Well, then other scripts, events, etc. could still
> manually fire the method script, eg:
> $ /lib/svc/method/zfs-auto-snapshot
> svc:/system/filesystem/zfs-auto-snapshot:login

This is not what I (personally) want. I want to be able to specify
things like daily and still get snapshots taken even if the machine
is down for regular intervals.

> As for the other changes you suggested, I've already put some slightly
> better svcprop caching code in, but just not your implementation
> ( something about the block comment:) ...

I like to be honest... ;-) Hardly any shell code is portable, but I
was somehow expecting you to step over this thing... I'll have a
look at your solution when it's out.

> can roles run cron jobs ?),

No. You need a user who can take on the role.

Thanks again, and keep up the good work (and please think again about
the at-vanteges ;-)

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