On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 01:53:03PM -0500, Miles Nordin wrote:
> The thing I don't like about the checksums is that they trigger for
> things other than bad disks, like if your machine loses power during a
> resilver, or other corner cases and bugs.  I think the Netapp
> block-level RAID-layer checksums don't trigger for as many other
> reasons as the ZFS filesystem-level checksums, so chasing problems is
> easier.

Why does losing power during a resilver cause any issues for the
checksums in ZFS?  Admittedly, bugs can always cause problems, but
that's true for any software.  I'm not sure that I see a reason that the
integrated checksums and the separate checksums are more or less prone
to bugs. 

Under what situations would you expect any differences between the ZFS
checksums and the Netapp checksums to appear?

I have no evidence, but I suspect the only difference (modulo any bugs)
is how the software handles checksum failures.  

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