Ah... an illiterate AND idiotic bigot.

I apologize for my poor English. Yes, it's not my mother tongue, but I have no 
doubt at all, that this
discussion could be continued in German as well.

But just to make it clear:

Finally I did understand very well were I went wrong. But it wasn't something I 
did expect.

Due to the fact, that I was using a single zpool with no other filesystems 
inside I thought, unmounting it with the command 'zfs umount usbhdd1' and 
checking if usbhdd1 is still shown in the output of 'mount' (it wasn't), I 
expected, that the pool was clearly unmounted and there is no risk to yank the 
USB wire.

Even from the view of logic, that 'zpool export usbhdd1' will release the 
entire pool from the system should 'zfs umount usbhdd1' do the same in case no 
other filesystem exists inside this particular pool.

if the output of the mount cmd doesn't show your zfs pool anymore what else 
should be there what can be unmounted?

This is just what caused confusion on my side, and that's human, but I learned 
for the future.

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