>>>>> "t" == Tim  <t...@tcsac.net> writes:

     t> I would like to believe it has more to do with Solaris's
     t> support of USB than ZFS, but the fact remains it's a pretty
     t> glaring deficiency in 2009, no matter which part of the stack
     t> is at fault.

maybe, but for this job I don't much mind glaring deficiencies, as
long as it's possible to assemble a working system without resorting
to trial-and-error, and possible to know it's working before loading
data on it.  Right now, by following the ``best practices'', you don't
know what to buy, and after you receive the hardware you don't know if
it works until you lose a pool, at which time someone will tell you
``i guess it wasn't ever working.''  

Even if you order sun4v or an expensive FC disk shelf, you still don't
know if it works.

(though, I'm starting to suspect, ni the case of FC or iSCSI the
 answer is always ``it does not work'')

The only thing you know for sure is, if you lose a pool, someone will
blame it on hardware bugs surroudning cache flushes, or else try to
conflate the issue with a bunch of inapplicable garbage about
checksums and wire corruption.  This is unworkable.

I'm not saying glaring 2009 deficiencies are irrelevant---on my laptop
I do mind because I got out of a multi-year abusive relationship with
NetBSD/hpcmips, and now want all parts of my laptop to have drivers.
And I guess it applies to that neat timeslider / home-base--USB-disk
case we were talking about a month ago.  but for what I'm doing I will
actually accept the advice ``do not ever put ZFS on USB because ZFS is
a canary in the mine of USB bugs''---it's just, that advice is not
really good enough to settle the whole issue.

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