
snv_123, x64

zfs recv -F complains it can't open a snapshot it just destroyed itself as it 
was destroyed on a sending side. Other than complaining about it it finishes 

Below is an example where I created a filesystem fs1 with three snapshots of it 
called snap1, snap2, snap3. Next I replicated snap1 to different location. Then 
I did incremental replication between snap1 and snap2. Then destroyed snap1 on 
a source. Then did incremental replication between snap2 and snap3 with zfs 
recv -F which should also replicate a destroying of snap1 which it did. But at 
the same time it complains it can't open snap1 just after it destroyed it 
itself. Seems like it is entirely harmless still it shouldn't happen.

> zfs create archive-2/test
> zfs create archive-2/test/fs1
> zfs snapshot archive-2/test/f...@snap1
> zfs snapshot archive-2/test/f...@snap2
> zfs snapshot archive-2/test/f...@snap3

> zfs create archive-2/test/repl

> zfs send -R archive-2/test/f...@snap1 | zfs recv -vdF archive-2/test/repl
receiving full stream of archive-2/test/f...@snap1 into 
received 249KB stream in 14 seconds (17.8KB/sec)
> zfs send -R -I archive-2/test/f...@snap1 archive-2/test/f...@snap2 | zfs recv 
> -vdF archive-2/test/repl
receiving incremental stream of archive-2/test/f...@snap2 into 
received 312B stream in 1 seconds (312B/sec)

> zfs destroy archive-2/test/f...@snap1

> zfs send -R -I archive-2/test/f...@snap2 archive-2/test/f...@snap3 | zfs recv 
> -vdF archive-2/test/repl
attempting destroy archive-2/test/repl/test/f...@snap1
cannot open 'archive-2/test/repl/test/f...@snap1': dataset does not exist
receiving incremental stream of archive-2/test/f...@snap3 into 
received 312B stream in 1 seconds (312B/sec)

> zfs list -t all -r archive-2/test
NAME                                 USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
archive-2/test                       266K  7.35T  56.1K  /archive-2/test
archive-2/test/fs1                  51.2K  7.35T  51.2K  /archive-2/test/fs1
archive-2/test/f...@snap2                0      -  51.2K  -
archive-2/test/f...@snap3                0      -  51.2K  -
archive-2/test/repl                  158K  7.35T  53.6K  /archive-2/test/repl
archive-2/test/repl/test             105K  7.35T  53.6K  
archive-2/test/repl/test/fs1        51.2K  7.35T  51.2K  
archive-2/test/repl/test/f...@snap2      0      -  51.2K  -
archive-2/test/repl/test/f...@snap3      0      -  51.2K  -

so everything was replicated as expected. However zfs recv -F should not 
complain that it can't open snap1.


Robert Milkowski
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