I had a system that I was testing zfs on using EMC Luns to create a striped 
zpool without using the multi-pathing software PowerPath.  Of coarse a storage 
emergency came up so I lent this storage out for temp storage and we're still 
using.  I'd like to add PowerPath to take advanage of the multi-pathing in case 
I lose and SFP (or entire switch for that matter) but I'm not exactly sure what 
I can do.

So my zpool currently looks like:

# zpool status -v
  pool: myzfs
 state: ONLINE
 scrub: none requested

        NAME        STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
        myzfs       ONLINE       0     0     0
          1234567890    ONLINE       0     0     0
          1234567891    ONLINE       0     0     0

So how would I change the path after I install PowerPath to use the multi-path? 
 So 1234567890  would be equal to /dev/dsk/emcpower1 and 1234567891 would be 
equal to /dev/dsk/emcpower2.

In the end it would look like:

# zpool status -v
  pool: myzfs
 state: ONLINE
 scrub: none requested

        NAME        STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
        myzfs       ONLINE       0     0     0
          emcpower1  ONLINE       0     0     0
          emcpower1  ONLINE       0     0     0

I would image (because I haven't tried it yet) that it would require using zfs 
export/import in order to make this happen.  Has anyone tried this?  Am I 
fubar?  Thanks for the help!  Great forum btw...
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