On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 3:54 PM, Craig S. Bell <cb...@standard.com> wrote:
> I am also accustomed to seeing diluted properties such as compressratio.  
> IMHO it could be useful (or perhaps just familiar) to see a diluted dedup 
> ratio for the pool, or maybe see the size / percentage of data used to arrive 
> at dedupratio.
> As Jeff points out, there is enough data available to calculate this.  Would 
> it be meaningful enough to present a diluted ratio property?  IOW, would that 
> tell me anything than I don't get from simply using "available" as my fuel 
> gauge?
> This is probably a larger topic:  What additional statistics would be 
> genuinely useful to the admin when there is space interaction between 
> datasets.  As we have seen, some commands are less objective with dedup:

I was recently confused when doing mkfile (or was it dd if=/dev/zero
...) and found that even though blocks were compressed away to
nothing, the compressratio did not increase.  For example:

# perl -e 'print "a" x 100000000' > /test/a
# zfs get compressratio test
test  compressratio  7.87x  -

However if I put null characters into the same file:

# dd if=/dev/zero of=a bs=100000000 count=1
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
# zfs get compressratio test
test  compressratio  1.00x  -

I understand that a block is not allocated if it contains all zero's,
but that would seem to contribute to a higher compressratio rather
than a lower compressratio.

If I disable compression and enable dedup, does it count deduplicated
blocks of zeros toward the dedupratio?

Mike Gerdts
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