On 08/02/2010, at 22.50, Richard Elling wrote:

>> r...@vmstor01:/# zpool list
>> dataPool  9.94G  4.89G  5.04G    49%  1.00x  ONLINE  -
>> Now here's what I don't get, why does it say the poo sizel is 9.94G when 
>> it's made up of 2 x raidz2 consisting of 1G volumes, it should only be 6G 
>> which df -h also reports correctly.
> No, zpool displays the available pool space. df -h displays something else 
> entirely.
> If you have 10 1GB vdevs, then the total available pool space is 10GB. From 
> the 
> zpool(1m) man page:
> ...
>     size
>         Total size of the storage pool.
>     These space usage properties report  actual  physical  space
>     available  to  the  storage  pool. The physical space can be
>     different from the total amount of space that any  contained
>     datasets  can  actually  use.  The amount of space used in a
>     raidz configuration depends on the  characteristics  of  the
>     data being written. In addition, ZFS reserves some space for
>     internal accounting that  the  zfs(1M)  command  takes  into
>     account,  but the zpool command does not. For non-full pools
>     of a reasonable size, these effects should be invisible. For
>     small  pools,  or  pools  that are close to being completely
>     full, these discrepancies may become more noticeable.
> ...
> -- richard

Ok thanks I know that the amount of used space will vary, but what's the 
usefulness of the total size when ie in my pool above 4 x 1G (roughly, 
depending on recordsize) are reserved for parity, it's not like it's useable 
for anything else :)  I just don't see the point when it's a raidz or raidz2 
pool, but I guess I am missing something here.


 - Lasse 
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