Sorry, my bad. _Reading_ from /dev/null may be an issue, but not writing to
it, of course.


On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 6:46 PM, Robert Milkowski <> wrote:

>  On 10/06/2010 15:39, Andrey Kuzmin wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 6:06 PM, Robert Milkowski <>wrote:
>> On 21/10/2009 03:54, Bob Friesenhahn wrote:
>>> I would be interested to know how many IOPS an OS like Solaris is able to
>>> push through a single device interface.  The normal driver stack is likely
>>> limited as to how many IOPS it can sustain for a given LUN since the driver
>>> stack is optimized for high latency devices like disk drives.  If you are
>>> creating a driver stack, the design decisions you make when requests will be
>>> satisfied in about 12ms would be much different than if requests are
>>> satisfied in 50us.  Limitations of existing software stacks are likely
>>> reasons why Sun is designing hardware with more device interfaces and more
>>> independent devices.
>> Open Solaris 2009.06, 1KB READ I/O:
>> # dd of=/dev/null bs=1k if=/dev/rdsk/c0t0d0p0&
>  /dev/null is usually a poor choice for a test lie this. Just to be on the
> safe side, I'd rerun it with /dev/random.
> That wouldn't work, would it?
> Please notice that I'm reading *from* an ssd and writing *to* /dev/null
> --
> Robert Milkowski
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