> I'm not sure I didn't have dedup enabled.  I might
> have.
> As it happens, the system rebooted and is now in
> single user mode.
> I'm trying another import.  Most services are not
> running which should free ram.
> If it crashes again, I'll try the live CD while I see
> about more RAM.


I got another machine with 8GB of RAM.  I installed the drives and booted from 
the b134 Live CD.

Then I did a zpool import -f.

2-3 days later, it finished and I was able to transfer my data off the drives.  

I did not have dedup on.
At one point, top showed that less then 1GB RAM was free.
At another point, I could no longer SSH into the system so it probably used up 
most of the RAM.  The console was also unresponsive at this point.  At least it 
didn't crash and was able to finish.

One other data point - these are WD 20EARS drives w/o anything done for the 4k 
sectors which made them slower.

The long recovery and RAM needed make me wary about putting too much zpool/RAM 
on a home system.  And the WD 20EARS drives.

These drives are for my Tivo server storage on a Linux box.  I don't care about 
losing a few bits so they're going to to local to the Linux box w/ setup for 
the 4k sectors.

Has Sun done any testing with zpool size/RAM?
I'd guess that they aren't that interested in bitty boxes w/ only 4GB of RAM.
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