On  3/07/10 12:25 PM, Richard Elling wrote:
On Jul 2, 2010, at 6:48 PM, Tim Cook wrote:
Given that the most basic of functionality was broken in Nexenta, and not 
Opensolaris, and I couldn't get a single response, I have a hard time 
recommending ANYONE go to Nexenta.  It's great they're employing you now, but 
the community edition has an extremely long way to go before it comes close to 
touching the community that still hangs around here, despite Oracle's lack of 
care and feeding.


I can't test that, due to lack of equivalent hardware, but did you file a bug?
The dladm code and nge drivers come from upstream, so look for an equivalent
opensolaris bug,  perhaps something like
  -- richard

Hi Tim,
does this CR match what you were experiencing?

6901419 dladm create-aggr -u incorrectly rejects some valid ethernet addresses

If so - fixed in snv_136.

The only other dladm CR I can see in the push logs for builds
post 134 is

6932656 "dladm set-linkprop -p cpus" can't take more than 32 CPUs
fixed in 138.

Senior Software Engineer, Solaris
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