2010/10/19 FANG Yang <fa...@douban.com>

> hi, all
>     I have a simple zk client written by c ,which is attachment  #1. When i
> use  ZOO_CREATOR_ALL_ACL, the ret code of zoo_create is -114((Invalid ACL
> specified definde in zookeeper.h)), but after i replace it with
> ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, it work. Zookeeper Programmer's Guide mention that
> CREATE_ALL_ACL grants all permissions to the creator of the node. The
> creator must have been authenticated by the server (for example, using
> “digest” scheme) before it can create nodes with this ACL. I call
> zoo_add_auth accroding to func testAuth of TestClient.cc in src/c/tests in
> my source code, but it doesn't work, ret code is still -114 . Would you guys
> do me a favor, plz?
> --
> 方阳 FANG Yang
> 开发工程师 Software Engineer
> Douban Inc.
> msn:franklin.f...@hotmail.com
> gtalk:franklin.f...@gmail.com
> skype:franklin.fang
> No.14 Jiuxianqiao Road, Area 51 A1-1-2016, Beijing 100016 , China
> 北京市酒仙桥路14号51楼A1区1门2016,100016
  And my zk version is 3.2.2, mode is standalone.

方阳 FANG Yang
开发工程师 Software Engineer
Douban Inc.
No.14 Jiuxianqiao Road, Area 51 A1-1-2016, Beijing 100016 , China

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