which scheme are you using?


On 10/18/2010 11:57 PM, FANG Yang wrote:
2010/10/19 FANG Yang<fa...@douban.com>

hi, all
     I have a simple zk client written by c ,which is attachment  #1. When i
use  ZOO_CREATOR_ALL_ACL, the ret code of zoo_create is -114((Invalid ACL
specified definde in zookeeper.h)), but after i replace it with
ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, it work. Zookeeper Programmer's Guide mention that
CREATE_ALL_ACL grants all permissions to the creator of the node. The
creator must have been authenticated by the server (for example, using
“digest” scheme) before it can create nodes with this ACL. I call
zoo_add_auth accroding to func testAuth of TestClient.cc in src/c/tests in
my source code, but it doesn't work, ret code is still -114 . Would you guys
do me a favor, plz?

方阳 FANG Yang
开发工程师 Software Engineer
Douban Inc.
No.14 Jiuxianqiao Road, Area 51 A1-1-2016, Beijing 100016 , China

   And my zk version is 3.2.2, mode is standalone.

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