
Reposting to the zope-dev list - does anyone know if zc.zk is still active?

I have another patch to fix importing nodes with spaces in the name, but
I should just fork it instead and apply my fixes there. :)

> I was using the export_tree method in zc.zk to dump a zookeeper tree
today, and some nodes which
> have no data had garbage data dumped instead of an empty string. I think
this is an issue in the
> underlying zookeeper library, but there is a simple patch to avoid the
issue (attached), so if possible
> it would be nice to see it added in zc.zk.
> Here's a link to the patch:
> https://gist.github.com/davecahill/5539050


Attachment: zc_zk_fix_empty_node_export.patch
Description: Binary data

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