On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 6:02 AM, Dave Cahill <dcah...@midokura.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Reposting to the zope-dev list - does anyone know if zc.zk is still active?

Yes, but I have lots of other projects. Don't expect instant responses.

> I have another patch to fix importing nodes with spaces in the name, but
> maybe
> I should just fork it instead and apply my fixes there. :)

Maybe.  Not sure nodes with spaces in the names is a good idea.

In terms of plans:

- You should only use zc.zk for it's original use cases of
  service registry and discovery.  For anything else, you
  should use kazoo.

- I plan to port zc.zk to kazoo.  This hasn't been an urgent priority
  up to now (although it's been getting more so).  I was hoping to get a
  student to work on it, but that didn't work out.

  If someone is looking for a project, I'd be happy to have volunteers. :)

  There are two projects waiting for work:


    This is a replaceable mock, similar to what zc.zk
    provides.  It should allow application tests with or without
    connection to a ZooKeeper server.


    This is a port of the functionality in zc,zk that's absent from
    kazoo, including the high-level data model and service registry
    and discovery.


Jim Fulton
Zope-Dev maillist  -  Zope-Dev@zope.org
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