<< I'm reminded here of something Brian Eno (I think) said. It was 'writing
about music is like dancing about architecture'.>>

ok, 1st you say:

>> I don't buy the Eno  -  'writing about music is like dancing about
>> architecture' line.

but then you say:

>>Writing about music is difficult
>>but it can be done.

{the refute has morphed into a proof}

By the same token, dancing about architecture is difficult but it can be
done.  ;)

Conveying or communicating any artform in(to) another medium is always a
struggle - as it should be.  Or else the artist would have painted her song
to begin with.

Re: origin of above quote.
hearing it (possibly) attributed to brian eno prompted me to wonder who 1st
said what to me, is such a meaningful quote...
check out http://home.pacifier.com/~ascott/they/tamildaa.htm for the

hint:  there isn't one.


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