I think this was eloquently answered by JT just now Alex - something about
their influence seeping into the collective unconcious (those latter two are
my words, but I think - *think*) that's what JT meant. So we all have no
need to exhume any argument about who did what first! ;-)

Indeed - a laundry list could easily be provided of bands who milked what Kraftwerk did. Keep in mind when Autobahn was released. Even if you fast-fwd MANY years after that to the booty dance (Channel 62 anyone? The New Dance Show, e.g.) television shows in Detroit which often played what seemed like endless variations of "Numbers", etc. or Mojo himself. New Wave (I hate that term!) was undeniably a big influence on many techno innovators and certainly Kraftwerk loomed large in that musical closet. Bowie, Eno, Byrne, etc. - who all went on to shape the more traditional rock/pop gardens.


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