It was the Scion arrange and process thing Alex, not
Mark and Moritz. There were a few of us there but I
will give you my thoughts

Tom was on first doing his own arrange and process of
the Emoticon and Headspace back catalogue - obviously
the room was quite deserted at the very start but
filled up as Toms set went on, I really enjoyed it
(probobly more so than the Scion thing but more on
that in a bit) Tom certainly had control of exactly
what he was doing and although the sound system wasnt
the best he did what he could with it.

Then Scion came on, after about 10 seconds it was
obvious that the sound system couldnt handle the bass
they were trying to put through it - not sure if there
was a problem with the system or if it simply wasnt up
to the task, although im sure the Traxx boys know the
bass that the Basic Channel tracks have and would have
thought the sound system would take that into account.
Perhaps Tom can give some info on that? Listened to
most of the Scion set anyway, which was good although
I cant help but think how much better it could have
sounded. Think they played a shorter set here than
they have elsewhere around 1 1/4 hours.

After that Tom came back on for a DJ set but there
were only about 45 mins left and with everyone else
heading off to the (secret) afterparty with Max 404
and others (including Tom again) playing. I decided to
finish my drink and head off before all the clubs
closed and I was left in the zoo that is Glasgow city
centre at closing time looking for a taxi on me own.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Am I right in
thinking Mark & Moritz Von Oswald
> played in Glasgow on
> Saturday?
> Tom as well?
> How was it? Anyone go?
> Were they doing a live type thing, or just playing
> records with tikiman
> toasting?
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